Health, Safety, and Environment

Current Group firmly believes in protecting our employees and delivering project solutions without risks. Safety is our primary concern when approaching any worksite. We push for higher standards and sustainable methods continuously for our health, safety, and environmental program. Through constant reiteration of our safety procedures, immediate response to all unsafe acts, and positive reinforcement of safe behaviour, Current Group maintains a zero injury track record when it comes to higher-risk activities. As well, we equip any of our workers with the necessary knowledge to protect themselves on and off a worksite. We contribute financial resources and scheduling for our front-line workers to obtain all necessary industry certifications to meet client requirements. The necessary training, support, equipment, policies, procedures, and tools are ready for us to ensure compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. 

Safety plays a big role in how we create and maintain any system that performs. We recognize that it is a team effort, and our ultimate goal is to ensure everyone returns home safely at the end of each day. We firmly believe that every employee’s well-being at Current Group is our top priority and focus a large part of our company management to develop and secure this. Due to this commitment, it is natural to see how a good safety performance is one of the signs of a well-managed, efficient, and profitable organization. As Current Group is working hard towards achieving this goal, our attitudes towards accidents are constantly re-evaluated to ensure there are no misconceptions about what’s acceptable. This means we will never tolerate unsafe work and we will never excuse any hazardous practices at the workplace. 

To learn more about how Current Group can help you and your organization increase production capacity and expand manufacturing capability, email us at

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